Tennis strings quite often get overlooked as pertaining to performance. But it’s the part that makes contact with the ball (ideally). Would you put cheap tires on a Ferarri? So below are the results of an unofficial TennisCrowd String Survey from players in Seattle area.
What strings do you use?
1. Do your strings typically break?
53% – Yes
47% – No
2. Is the color of the string important to you?
77% – Yes
23% – No
3. What single feature do you consider is most important when it comes to tennis string?
45% – Touch and feel
33% – Power and playability
12% – Durability
10% – Maintains tension
4. Who chooses the string that goes on your racquet?
52% – My stringer
23% – Other
18% – I do
7% – Magic 8-ball
5. How often do you re-string your racquet?
30% – Once a month
24% – Every other month
14% – Every other week
12% – Once every three months
10% – Once a year or more
7% – Twice a year
2% – Every week or more
1% – Never